The above graph is adapted from Limits to Growth, Recalibrated (2023). It is not a hard and fast prediction, but rather the product of a model with 50 years of high correspondence with developments. We are, at present, near the far side of growth curves, with several in apparent plateau. Post peak modelling does not factor in such disruptive factors as climate change, or social unrest and systems failures consequent to economic collapse.

We are on the modeled brink of sudden declines in food and industrial output curves. At the same time, the US Government and international relations are being abruptly reworked. This strikes me as 'perfect storm' conditions for abrupt, global economic collapse, triggering the onset of TEOTWAWKI.

I fear a hard landing... no 'reboot' or 'transition' to a lower functioning economy. I urge high priority preparation now.

I've got a short glossary of terms at the bottom of this page... if you come across an unfamiliar term, please scroll down and check it out.

Information I'm including or pointing to doesn't mean I necessarily agree with it. Rather, I've found it to be stimulating and worthy of consideration. I'm sure you'll exercise your own judgement... we're nothing if not independent! 8)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Trade/Barter Items for SHTF

What'chya got in trade??

Trade/Barter Items for SHTF

Q: What's a good, TEOTWAWKI investment?

A: Tangibles.

Okay... that was the easy answer. I think we can take it for granted that stock options, bearer bonds, Federal Reserve notes and their ilk are poor choices.

How about gold, silver and gemstones?

Ken Neumeyer suggested in Sailing the Farm (great book, BTW) that of the three, silver was preferable:

A) Being of relatively lower value, one is less likely to be killed for one's purse.
B) Much easier to 'make change' (a $1K bill isn't worth much at the fleamarket).

... and believers in colloidal silver properties might add:

C) It's inherently useful.

Still, any of the above assume an economy somewhat above the barter level. Exchange tokens (as opposed to inherently valuable goods and services) represent a value which is not inherent in the token itself. A gold coin, for instance, only represents abstract value beyond its worth as an especially malleable metal. 

While some amounts of such trade stock may be useful in soft-landing scenarios, a hard-landing (which could be local or regional) may well devalue abstract tokens to brass tacks.

Bear in mind that trade/barter post-collapse is inherently dangerous whether on the supply or demand side of the table. Here's an excellent article on trade considerations from a real-world situation, written by Selco.


So what kinds of goods are suitable? Here's a list of criteria, some or all of which may be desirable:

  • Value -- Short Supply / High Demand items imply things which are necessary and hard to find or fabricate in foreseeable conditions.

  • Portability -- This implies physically small, lightweight goods, preferably with high value for their 'footprint'. This will vary in importance, depending on one's strategy (e.g., freehold vs. nomadic) and actual options in the event. Remember that even the best bunker situation may become untenable.

  • Durability -- We don't want a short shelf-life or the burden of maintenance.

  • Renewability? -- Some things (e.g., seeds, yeast, algaes, dairy cultures, etc.) not only meet the criteria, but can be multiplied!

  • Economy -- Ironically, we have to obtain most of these goods prior to any collapse. Therefore, we'd like something affordable in the here-and-now.

In making our evaluation, consider what kinds of things might be common in abandoned homes or businesses. If a hard landing does occur and populations plummet, the supply of many useful items may outstrip the demand. Aspirin, say (which I never-the-less listed below), could conceivably be found in every medicine cabinet of abandoned suburbs.


So here's a list (in no particular order) of ideas that have come my way. I'll come back and add to it, over time as new ideas come in. Please feel free to suggest items in COMMENTS.

KNOWLEDGE -- Best trade item! Zero footprint; inexhaustible; improves with age; useful in the meantime; can't be taken from you; makes you more valuable alive-than-dead; builds trust and community. Recall that time is money (or the equivalent)... our skills as practiced by ourselves are themselves valuable and negotiable.

Seeds -- Non-hybridized seeds, chosen for your region are a good choice. Consider durable packaging to extend their shelf-life. There are many seed packages already assembled, so a lot of the work has been done for us. Still, you might want to specialize in a few varieties for trade. Consider potatoes (carbohydrate intensive) and high-nutrition plants. They have the unique advantage of being a renewable trade item.

Files and Rasps -- These are hard to fabricate by hand, even with a full blacksmithy and skills to match. Even small ones -- such as 'points' files are extremely useful for modifying metal objects.

Sawblades (bowsaw and hacksaw) -- Ditto... consider non-tempered teeth, which can be sharpened and kerfed.

Drill Bits -- Ditto.

Razor Blades -- Good for many tasks (including surgical). Single-edged RBs can be used like a knife.

Thread and Needles (Notions) -- I like polyester upholstery thread for strength and longevity. Larger cones are more compact, though harder to exchange unwound thread.

String -- "A World without String is Chaos!" I like tarred nylon 'seine twine' (fisheries supplies)... it comes laid and braided in various weights. Paracord is another good option, but is relatively bulky. Knowing how to make twine, cord and rope is a great skill!

Bug Netting -- This stuff can be worth its weight in what-have-you! Consider the distinction between 'Mosquito Netting' and 'No-See-Um Netting'. NSUs walk right through Mosquito Netting. It can be bought in jackets, pants and head-gear, but is more versatile and compact in rolls of raw fabric. It's surprisingly durable, too.

Surgical / Dental tools -- These are handy for many things besides their intended use. Tooth extractors are going to be something many wish they had.

Clove Oil -- This is a topical anesthetic (among other values) with a long shelf life.

Aspirin -- This and its analogues are handy and versatile stuff. It may be common in abandoned homes, but maybe not.

Antibiotics, anesthetics, anti-histamines, provodone iodine -- These are the backbone of a medicine chest. Research and stock to taste... look for long shelf-lives in ambient conditions.

White, granulated sugar -- Sugar is an effective antiseptic wound packing. It hampers bacterial growth by drawing moisture from their cells. It has the same effect as a food preservative. It's a feedstock for alcohol production. And sweet!

Firestarters -- I think many of us will be shocked to find how hard it is to make a fire without help. Magnesium starters, Fire Pistons, Magnifying Lenses and good old Flint/Striker Kits may become precious. Be sure you have the know-how to pass on with the method.

(Sawyer) Water Filters and Straws -- Compact, long life, reasonable through-put, flushable.

Mylarized Plastic Space Blankets -- Cheap, compact, multi-purpose, with good heat reflectivity. More versatile than ponchos.

Distillation Supplies -- E.g., (copper) tubing and high-performance yeast (Champagne yeast, for example, has high tolerance for alcohol while others perform at lower temperatures). Alcohol is in high demand and has many uses.

Standard Canning Lids -- Canning jars don't fit our pack-lightly criteria, but can likely be salvaged. The lids, however, have limited use life... new ones may stay in high demand.

Fishhooks, Net and Line -- These can be improvised, but no comparison.

Snare Wire -- Ditto.

Pure Sulphur -- Hard-to-locate/isolate ingredient of black gun-powder.

.22 Ammo -- LR, mostly, but shorts and shot loads are useful, too.

O.B.s -- This is a type of applicator-less tampon, which is therefore much more compact. Multiply useful for menstration, wound packing, blotting, the odd Molotov...

Playing Cards -- Cards are astoundingly common in the literature of desperate times. Gulags, depressions, Shanghai vessels, gold rushes... tattered decks can be found in all of them. A new, unmarked deck is likely to have value among any group at the boredom stage of survival.

Condoms -- Life does go on!  8)


Other interesting ideas include spirulina algae, yogurt starter, honey, tobacco, nails, springs, shock-cord and...???

See ya at the exchange!

1 comment:

  1. Here's an excellent post on trade and barter in desperate times by Selco:


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- Dave Z